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The Only Secret To Getting An Interview At Your Dream Job

Want to switch jobs? Find a way in at your dream company? It may seem impossible knowing that the best and the brightest are sending in their resumes to the top places to work, but it shouldn’t. You can and you should be able to get an interview at your DREAM JOB. ☝️ And frankly, I hate the fact that our resumes are all in a stack on some recruiter’s desk (I’m picturing Devil Wears Prada as I type this) might make it impossible for us to get the job we really deserve.

Bonus > Here are my favorite power verbs to use in your resume to sound like a lady boss!

Let’s start at the beginning

If you know me well, you know I’m passionate about all things career. I know it’s weird but I’m oddly obsessed with editing people’s resumes and helping others get the job of their dreams. Or at least one that will let you go shopping as much you’d like. I truly believe that we should all be able to reach our goals and aspirations in our careers, whether it’s starting our own company or climbing the ladder in the corporate world. Let’s build our empires…amiright?! ☝️ Literally, why would any other 26-year-old build a full-on career section on their personal blog ? (I am so weird, I know)

Something happened last week

I was hanging out after yoga with one of my friends who was just submitting her resume online, so excited about a new job. She was simply submitting her resume online, without any follow up. She might hear back, but her changes were WAY lower than if she followed this trick. I gave her this secret, which I’m about to share with you. It’s become so second nature to me when I’m applying for jobs that I literally FORGOT to write a blog post about it.

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So, how the heck do you hear back from the companies you love?

Because let’s face it, we deserve to work at a place that makes us feel empowered AF. You deserve to stop crying in the bathroom at lunch and stop needing to even Googling articles like this (although I promise, I’m really glad you are here). Good news for you: if you follow this ONE strategy, your resume will get snatched out of the thousands sending their applications into the hiring managers desk. And poof! You’ll interview your heart away and have the job of your dreams in no time.

Want the proof?

I’ve gotten interviews at places like Twitter & Box with this trick (just to name a few) by doing this. The best part? It takes less than 30 minutes. I also work at Google full time!

OK, So Here’s The SECRET 👉 The Post Application Follow-Up

Step 1: Apply for a job at your DREAM COMPANY

For the sake of this post, let’s use Glossier, because I’m OBSESSED with them. Let’s say I applied for a job on Glossier’s marketing team. They have tons of jobs open right now! glossier careers page BTW > If you want a few resources on creating an amazing resume, here are two posts for you: A. Create A Resume When You Have No Experience B. Resume Hacks That Will Get You In the Door for Your Next Job

Step 2: Immediately after you submit your resume, hop on your LinkedIn and search for the company you just applied to. ☝️search for the company on linkedin

Step 3: Click on the button that shows the employees on LinkedIn.

In this case, there are 411 employees on LinkedIn. employee search Step 4: Click on those employees and filter by marketing (since in this example, I had applied or was looking at marketing jobs)

👉 If you’re looking to stay in a certain city, you can also ensure you are filtering here too!

job post filtering

Step 5: Now your GOAL is to find a hiring manager or someone in recruiting, or even better – both!

What is the difference between a hiring manager vs recruiting? Hiring Manager: The hiring manager is someone that will be your future boss, the person physically hiring for the job. Recruiting: A recruiter is someone who is hiring for a lot of jobs, and full-time job is recruiting people to work at the company. employees on linkedin Here is one example of someone who works in marketing at Glossier. Now my job wasn’t email marketing, but it’s still marketing. You’ll want to find between 2-5 people that you can directly contact/email letting them know you’ve applied for the job and this is your dream company. Now if you click on them, on the right-hand side of LinkedIn there are even more people in marketing at Glossier (because of this recent search). example of glossier employees

Step 6: Reach out to 2-5 people at the company to let them know you’ve applied

Now as I mentioned, your goal will be to reach out to a few people at the company. Let them know you applied for a job there and that you’d be a perfect candidate. I giving you a template below to send on over, so keep reading! There are two ways you can reach out to someone at the company, LinkedIn or email! I’d suggest trying both if possible. How can you get in touch with one of the people you’ve identified? 👉

  • Connect with them on LinkedIn / Message them on LinkedIn
  • If they accept your request, look to see if they have contact information (an email) on their LinkedIn (even if it’s a personal email – that’s ok!)
  • Guess their email: There are only a FEW email nomenclatures that companies really use: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

You can put the emails you are guessing in the bcc because then when you send an email, the person receiving it won’t know you tried a few emails to get to them. sending emailsYou might be thinking… isn’t this creepy/annoying? NO!

Companies want someone who WANTS to be there, who is proactive. This is exactly that. What’s the worst that will happen? They won’t write back to you! And that’s not so bad after all. You are not going ruin a relationship by reaching out. When you email someone at the company… You really want to let them know you’ve applied, that you love the company and would love to get in touch with the right person about interviewing!

Here’s the template I use below:

Hi [Person’s Name Here], I hope all is well. I saw the job listing for the [position name] position at [company name] and I applied online. As someone who’s passionate about [industry] and [company’s] brand, I wanted to personally follow up with the team because it would be a dream to work at [company] amongst cohorts whose passions resonate with my own.

My background in [your background here] aligns perfectly with this role. I am an ambitious self-starter whose successes range from [name some great stuff you’ve done]. *feel free to name other attributes that describe youI attached my resume. Do you or one of your colleagues have time to talk about this position? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. Very best, [your name here]

More Job/Career Ideas & Resources

And that’s it! 👉👉👉

If you want to know when someone’s opened your email, you can use the Boomerang app for Gmail. I’ve had massive success rates with cold emailing people at companies after I’ve applied. Try this below and tell me how it goes for you. I can’t wait to see the amazing success rate you have!

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