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12 Jobs for Communications Majors

A degree in interactions provides lots of opportunities for employment. It is the best degree for an extroverted, conversational individual who does not wish to be limited to a particular field of work. Communications majors can be found everywhere, from sales teams to personnel departments. Almost every company needs a communications professional.

Here is a list of 12 possible jobs for communications majors:

Common Jobs For Communications Majors

1. Human being Resources

Personnels (HR) positions are really common in a wide range of markets. Essentially, they are accountable for all worker relations. HR workers typically are the people who do the hiring, firing and alleviating within a company. Excellent HR staff members are impartial, not scared and empathetic of conflict.

Typical yearly wage: $60,570.

Typical entry-level degree: Bachelor’s degree.

Possibility that robots will take your task 31%.

2. Communications Director.

Communications majors frequently develop excellent individuals abilities, which makes them perfect candidates for directorial positions. Communications directors are tasked with creating a company message and finding efficient methods to communicate it to the public. At big business, communications directors might also be required to openly resolve the media, essentially functioning as the face of the business.

Average yearly wage $ 85,709.

Common entry-level degree: Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree.

Probability that robots will take your task: Unidentified.

3. Elementary/Middle School Teacher.

After earning a bachelor’s degree, those who desire teach in primary or middle schools have to complete an internship in a school class, pass the state-required test for instructors and get a teaching certificate/license.

The best recommendations would be to major in education if you are dead set on being an instructor. However if you’re still unsure about what you wish to do, a communications significant might eventually assist you land a mentor job.

Median annual wage: $57,350

Typical entry-level degree: Bachelor’s degree & & mentor certificate

Probability that robotics will take your task 0%.

Specialized, Unique Jobs for Communications Majors.

4. Marketing & & Sales Supervisor.

Marketing and sales managers are usually asked to oversee a group of staff members, establish objectives and marketing strategies, and evaluate their company’s clients in order to target them efficiently. For marketing and sales managers to be successful, they usually require to develop empathy skills and stay up to date on the trends that shape their business’s target audience.

Median yearly wage: $125,29.

Common entry-level degree: Bachelor’s degree.

Probability that robotics will take your job 1%.

5. Public Relations (PR) Expert.

PR experts have a comparable responsibility to interactions directors– they both are entrusted with forming popular opinion of a business. The distinction is, interactions directors have to think huge picture, while PR professionals are generally designated to carry out specific tasks. Common tasks for PR professionals include composing press releases and communicating with press reporters to try to increase promotion for their business.

Typical yearly wage: $59,30.

Common entry-level degree: Bachelor’s degree.

Likelihood that robotics will take your job 18%.

6. Event Coordinator.

While it may appear simple on the surface area, preparing a significant event takes a lot of company, time management and improvisation. While there technically is no degree required to become an occasion planner, studying interactions can assist you establish the individuals skills required to pull off planning a major occasion, such as the ability to negotiate successfully, budget correctly and work perfectly with caterers, bartenders, others and waiters.

Median yearly wage: $48,290.

Common entry-level degree: Bachelor’s degree.

Likelihood that robots will take your task 4%.

Non-Traditional Jobs for Communications Majors.

7. Social Network Manager.

Clearly, social networks management is a reasonably brand-new occupation. As social networks continues to grow, more and more brands are utilizing social channels for marketing functions, particularly if their target market is millennials or Gen Zs. Because of that, many colleges and universities have actually begun using social media accreditation or expertise programs. Excellent social networks managers understand the ins and outs of every social channel and have the capability to track a rapidly evolving market.

Average yearly wage $ 55,199.

Common entry-level degree: Bachelor’s degree & & social media certificate.

Likelihood that robots will take your job: Unknown.

8. Radio & & television broadcaster.

This job pairs well with communications majors, due to the fact that they frequently establish good individuals skills, are relatable and, most notably, understand how to sell themselves. To get a sense of the market, individuals interested in broadcasting ought to use for internships.

Mean yearly wage: $62,910.

Common entry-level degree: Bachelor’s degree.

Likelihood that robotics will take your job 7%.

9. Press reporter.

Technically, there is no necessary degree to end up being a reporter, but you will have a difficult time finding a job without one. Skilled press reporters are master writers with strong writing and grammar skills. To learn the important skills, a lot of ambitious reporters study journalism in college. However, the compassion and discussion abilities taught through interactions can translate to reporting and allow communications majors to compose deep, descriptive stories.

Average annual wage: $40,910.

Typical entry-level degree: Bachelor’s degree.

Likelihood that robotics will take your job 11%.

Other Possible Jobs For Communications Majors.

10. College Professor.

Patience, company, interaction and interest are some of the most crucial characteristics of a great college professor. To make a task mentor at the post-secondary level, a master’s degree (and often a doctorate degree), is needed. In addition to mentor, some college professors also carry out research study and write scholarly short articles.

Typical annual wage: $64,480

Common entry-level degree: Master’s degree

Likelihood that robots will take your job 3%.

11. General & & Operations Manager.

Communications majors frequently make good supervisors since of their capability to work with people. The title of general and operations supervisor is extremely unclear– it could apply to almost any task field. While having an interactions degree is a plus, in order to earn a managerial task, prospects need to have prior experience in the particular industry they desire to land a supervisory task in. Somebody using for a job as an organization operations manager must likewise have a degree in accounting, economics or something else business-related.

Typical yearly wage: $100,410.

Common entry-level degree: Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree.

Possibility that robotics will take your task 16%.

12. Sales Agent.

Like a number of the other jobs on this list, sales is a good profession for interactions majors due to the fact that of their capability to connect with other individuals. Requirements vary from company to business, but great sales individuals should be able to speak comfortably with anybody at any time. Good sales individuals must likewise be able to rapidly bounce back from rejection because sales jobs typically include cold calls.

Typical annual wage: $52,460 (varies heavily).

Common entry-level degree: High School Diploma– Bachelor’s Degree.

More Job/Career Ideas & Resources

Probability that robotics will take your task 85%.

10 Famous Individuals Who Studied Communications.

  1. Stephen Colbert.
  2. Ellen DeGeneres.
  3. Jimmy Fallon.
  4. Chris Farley.
  5. James Gandolfini.
  6. David Letterman.
  7. Matthew McConaughey.
  8. Al Roker.
  9. Howard Stern.
  10. Wendy Williams.

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